Abdominal pain give back: causes, symptoms, than to treat

In time by listening to your body and not ignoring the signals that it sends, you can avoid many serious diseases and their serious consequences. In particular, it is impossible to neglect the phenomenon of pain. To get rid of this painful feelings most people use pain medications available in the home medicine cabinet. But this method of treatment is not ideal, the temporary relief is given, and the problem is still unresolved.

pain in the abdomen and radiates to the back

If there is pain in the stomach, its nature and impact other places, it is possible to assume, the symptoms of the disease it is. Most often, such an uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium to give back. Not experienced in the medical field, a person may feel that these symptoms are not connected to each other and mark different disease. However, this is a misconception: pain in the epigastric region and back often the symptoms of a malfunction of the same body.


1. Perforated (ruptured) ulcer.

It is through defect of the mucous membrane of the stomach, resulting in the merger of the lumen of the hollow organs of the abdominal cavity. The pathology is characterized by the simultaneous cutting pain in the back (right shoulder, under the scapula or clavicle) and the upper abdominal area, and other features:

  • the sharp tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • a shelf in a cold sweat;
  • pale skin;
  • blood pressure;
  • the inability to move and to breathe deeply.

Sometimes this complication is accompanied by vomiting, and after hours and hours and bloating due to the presence of gases.

2. Hepatic (biliary) colic.

Acute painful condition, which is developed on the background of dyskinesia (movement disorders) of the biliary tract. His symptoms manifested vividly:

  • a sudden stab attack quadrant (it seems that the abdominal pain), which gives the neck, back, right shoulder blade (or radiating pain between the shoulder blades);
  • the urine becomes dark shade;
  • marked nausea and vomiting;
  • the body temperature rises;
  • happened, discoloration of feces.

3. Appendicitis.

Inflammation of the appendix cecum (the Appendix) usually begins with the development of dull pain in the abdomen near the navel and radiating for the lower right side and back. For more information, stressed 12-18 hours is:

  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • liquid or solid stool;
  • fever along with chills and shivering;
  • tenesmus (ineffectual and extremely painful to urination or defecation).

4. Inflammation of the pancreas.

Enzymatic damage of the pancreas the patient complains of severe pain in the abdomen radiating to the back and under the chest, which immediately increases after meals. The patient suffers from, the observed acceleration of the heart rate, elevated blood pressure, swelling of the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. During the day, you feel unexplained fatigue, possible fainting.

5. Also cholecystitis.

Below, this disease is associated with inflammation of the gallbladder, the symptoms of which are largely similar to those of hepatic colic. But if acute cholecystitis characterized by its own peculiarities:

  • especially the pain starts on the right side and hypochondrium, gradually covering a significant part of the stomach (some people may also feel that it's a pain in the stomach) and reflected in the right arm and back;
  • looks like a symptom Obraztsova (that is, attacks exacerbated by completely straightening your right leg);
  • I noticed the deterioration of the body, speech, cold sweats, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • from time to time stated, nausea, vomit inside the bile.
the cause of the pain

6. Intestinal obstruction.

This syndrome is characterized by disturbances in advancing intestinal contents (the secret of the glands, the intestines and the food of the masses), a different manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • there is a weak, aching pain in the abdomen, which shoots up the left side;
  • increases the body's temperature;
  • there is a convulsion (muscle spasm) of the abdominal cavity;
  • unstable stool.

Often patients indicate that the pain in the stomach to give the chest and radiating to the back.

Other causes of pain

Women, when the stomach pain experienced in the lower abdomen and back, there is the possibility of ectopic pregnancy (in the fallopian tube, cervix, ovary or even the abdomen). If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is possible only by surgery (mainly for laparoscopy – surgery done 3 punctures in the umbilical region, right and left).

If the presence of physiological (uterine) pregnancy, pain in the epigastric region accompanied by back, may mean it is a complication (up to and including the threat of termination) in connection with:

  • stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus;
  • excessive tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • a pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Often pain in the stomach radiating to the back with neurological and gynecological (fibroma, chronic adnexitis) ailments. These same symptoms are often diseases, pleura and lung. For example, pain during pneumonia may simulate an attack of sciatica, and a "picture of acute abdomen" using the left or right side (depending on the localization of the inflammatory process in the lungs and destruction of the pleural layers).

If there are cramps in the lower abdomen with the recoil the lower back and tingling and a burning sensation during urination, we can talk of a urinary tract infection. Secondary symptoms this works:

  • the dim, dark color of urine (possible blood) and its strong smell;
  • the presence of a yellowish secretions;
  • the feeling of inadequate emptying of the bladder;
  • pain;
  • sharp pain during intercourse (women).

As all the abdominal organs receive a nerve supply from the spine segment, it is impossible to exclude and related diseases: osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar spine, herniated disc, cancer, lumbago (back pain in the lumbar region may provide pain not only stomach, buttocks and chest), and other pathology of the back.

What to do?

What you need to do is ill take a horizontal position to reduce the load on the spine and relieve pain. When the attack weakens, the occiput may be out of the question: first you need to turn to the right or left side (which hurts), to become, at the same time relying on both knees and palms, and then slowly get up, using the extra support.

If the stomach pain is piercing, cutting in nature and strongly radiates in the neck, back, lower back, shoulder or chest, accepted, pain medication, anti-inflammatory effect. However, still self-treatment is unacceptable: you need to immediately visit a doctor or call an ambulance.


Topical research specialist, the passage of the designated diagnostic procedures ( intravenous urography, procedure pH-metry, gastroscopy) and passes the necessary tests (urine, feces, blood) can not only remove the unpleasant, sometimes agonizing symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent possible serious consequences. When there is pain in the stomach, lower abdomen, radiating to chest, back and other parts of the body, you should seek medical help. Only professional diagnosis and treatment is the key to successful resolution of the health problem.